Whale Watching Tours
Why choose Outer Island? We have highest success rate in the Salish Sea for whale sightings simply because of our new fleet of high speed boats combined with the most experienced Captains and Naturalist guides. We find whales on over 95% of our trips. That's how we can offer our whale guarantee with confidence.
Our boats are some of the fastest whale watching boats in the region, equipped with indoor and outdoor viewing platforms, bathrooms, and plenty of room for everyone to get a great view.

Whale & Orca Tour

Available March to November
99% Success on All Whales
75% Chance of seeing Orcas
Prices starting at $119 per Adult
3-5 hour Tour
We prioritize finding Orcas, but we might also encounter Humpbacks, Grays, or Minke whales.
See Whales or Orcas
or come again FREE!
Departure Locations:
Closest to Seattle! No Ferry Required!

All-Inclusive All Day Tour with round trip transportation directly from Seattle, visit to Deception Pass, and Guaranteed Whale Watching!

Available May 1st to September 30th
98% Success seeing Orcas
Prices starting at $199 per person
3-5 hour Tour
For people especially passionate for Orcas
Longer trip lets us go the extra mile(s) to see Orcas wherever they are in the region
See Orcas or come again FREE!
Closest to Seattle! No Ferry Required!
Departure Locations:

Chances of Seeing
Each Kind of Whale

Orcas can be seen in the San Juan's all year, and are the most frequently seen whales on all of our tours.
Humpback and Gray Whales migrate through the Salish Sea on their journey between colder feeding areas in the north in summer and warmer breeding areas in the south in winter.
Minke Whales can be seen here year round.

We are proud members of the Pacific Whale Watch Association. This means we contribute to conservation and research on the whales and wildlife of our region. It also gains us special access to all the latest whale sightings reports from our community of whale watchers, researchers, and sometimes even sightings from the air and shore! It also helps us report our individual efforts from picking up ocean litter to sighting injured whales. All our reports reach the local researchers and conservation groups instantly!
As members we operate tours that are respectful of wildlife as well as fun and exciting! Our high-speed boats get us to the whales fast, then we can spend more time with whales as we slow down to enjoy viewing these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.